- usual way of behaving : something that a person does often in a regular and repeated way
- a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance
- an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary <got up early from force of habit>
- addiction <a drug habit>
What’s the fuss about habits? Well, they might rhymes with hobbit and mostly taken for granted, but really, those little habits can really change the coarse of your life. Your life today, is a result of your habits.
Your shape = your eating habit + your exercise habit. Your academic = your studying habit. Your general knowledge = your reading habit. Your income = Your work habit. Your beauty = your beauty habit. You get the picture, right?
I have problems with my habits all the time. Eating, sleeping, being punctual, and whole lot of other stuff. We talked about goal setting before, and did I mention, getting that GOAL has a lot to do with our HABITS!
So I just discovers this chart in end of January and tested it out on February. And the results are amazing! Well, of course Rome wasn’t built overnight, but at least I know how much more discipline I need to get that boost and reach the moon. I’ve posted this on Intagram previously…
This one was manually drawn by hand.
(I like hand-draw effect but meh, it’s quite a work – if not a lot. Perhaps I can do this version for 2017? Yay or nay?)
BUT I made a EP-themed version one for yall to download and print and paste!
1. Go back to your goals and see what you have to do on everyday basis to achieve those goals. Classify them.
For example, You see those highlighted in blue? Those were for spiritual goals. So basically it’s the 5x a day prayers + Quran + Dhuha. So I track each one of those because I expect to do every single one everyday. If your goal is to lose 10kgs in two months then you probably need to exercise and drink lotsa water. You don’t have to workout everyday (because our body need a rest day to repair) but try not to miss any workout for more than 3 days. My coach used to say that our fitness degrades a bit after the third day. (I’m still not sure if that’s a fact, but it’s a good motivation).
But, make sure your habits are gradually adapted into your current lifestyle. Why? Read more here about the misconception of goals.
2. Write down each ‘verb’ (to-dos) in the first column.
So just do it.. write it down… write it nicely… yeah… good!
3. Decide the color code you’d like to use
You can tick the entry with a single colored pen, but that aint fun. Plus, if you hatch the space with color, it is easier to see it from afar and at the end of the month for you to analyze your performance. What I do is I color them based on their classification, but you can do like BohoBerry and go all colorful!
4. Paste it! and you’re good to go!
I made this in A4 format so it’s big enough to paste on your board/door/cupboard. BUT if u prefer to paste it in your book, just print it in A5 and do so. You are the boss of you, so make it work!
So download the free Habit Tracker, print, and fill it in, and paste it!
Btw, don’t forget to snap a picture on Instagram and #EPinAction and stand a change to win giveaway!